Stella - lymphoma cancer


To everyone who has a terminally ill dog and to those of you who want to keep your dogs as healthy as possible while preventing disease and illness, I highly recommend Lisa St. John and WHOLEify.

Let me tell you my experience.

I rescued Stella 3 years ago. Last year Stella was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. I had her scheduled for her first chemo treatment the following week. My Veterinarian told me it would at least prolong her life for another 6 months.

As fate would have it, I heard about Lisa from a women who was in my yoga class the following day.

I scheduled a consultation with Lisa and had an Iridology exam done on Stella. I was a little skeptical at first but once Lisa began explaining everything to me in detail it all made sense.

Let me first say , I was shocked, to say the least, at the accuracy of the Iridology exam. Lisa saw an injury on her left front leg that was later confirmed by the animal rescue group where I adopted Stella. I contacted them after speaking with Lisa and asked them if they knew anything about Stella having an injured leg and they confirmed when they found her she had been hit by a car and her left front leg was injured, they treated the leg and was told she would be fine. It is beyond amazing how much Lisa knew just by looking at her eyes. She was able to see every health issue and genetic weakness in her system which I was able to confirm.

I cancelled the chemo treatments and signed Stella up for the 3 month Wellness Plan on May 6, 2021. After the first 3 months on the wellness program it was obvious to everyone that Stella was recovering. She had more energy, her teeth were so white, the lumps and bumps were gone and her coat was silky and shiny. Her overall appearance and personalty was vibrant and full of life.

Even though she was doing so well at eh end of the 3 months I decided to sign Stella up for another 3 months to make sure she had all the support she needed and then some. It was money well spent and still thousands of dollars less than chemo treatments and vet visits.

Once we finished her 6 month program I placed Stella on a maintenance plan which is just maintaining the real food diet and keeping her on custom formulated herbs that Lisa prepares to support her genetic weakness.

In February of 2022 I took Stella back to the clinic for confirmation. The veterinarian could not believe how amazing Stella looked and was even more amazed that Stella was cancer free according to all the tests.

Although my veterinarian could not explain how her recovery was possible and was intrigued by Lisa’s wellness program, he could not deny that the wellness program worked. In his exact words “ Keep doing everything you’re doing, I have never seen her look so healthy.” and trust me I will !

I will never feed dog food products again to any of my dogs and will always follow the WHOLEify diet and wellness plan. How we have drifted away from common sense feeding habits for our dogs is so unbelievable to me. When you begin feeding a WHOLEify diet of REAL FOOD you will also wonder why you ever fed that awful dried kibble and thought that was healthy.

I can not say enough about Lisa and all that she did to save Stella’s life.

You need to know there is a cure for cancer you just need to understand what causes it and how to reverse it and Lisa St. John holds that key! Everyone with dogs needs to call her today. You will love her and her wealth of information.

Forever Grateful,

Stephanie Regis and Lisa’s Biggest fan Stella - Beverly Hills, Ca.


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