Bentley - Seizure Recovery

My Bentley has been seizure free for 8 months straight after suffering from daily seizures and a sensitive stomach.

Bentley was on a number of medications and the best dog food money could buy. My heart was broken last year when the seizures were becoming so bad that our long time veterinarian recommended we put him out of his misery.

This was around the time I heard of a remarkable women by the name of Lisa St. John. I began Bentley immediately on her Wellness Program. It is a wonderful that I recommend to everyone who has a sick dog. The attention Lisa gives to each client exceeds expectation. She was there for us every step of the way. We spoke a few times a week on the phone, she checked in on him daily and updated his Bentley’s herbs and diet as he was going through his healing journey.

After 6 weeks Lisa felt Bentley was well enough to go on a maintenance plan. It’s been 8 months now so I took Bentley back to my vet for a check up and all of his numbers came back normal. My vet was shocked at the renewed health Bentley now has. I recommend WHOLEify and Lisa St.John to everyone.

Thank you for saving my dear Bentley.

All of my love and appreciation,

Janet Walker, Martha’s Vineyard


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