WHOleify Natural Diet

Try our natural diet for 30 days - You will never go back to processed feeds again!

If your pet is suffering from a chronic or degenerative condition contact us today for a custom tailored wellness plan.

Schedule a personal consultation Today


See for yourself why so many animal lovers are now embracing a natural species friendly diet plan.

You have nothing to loose and your animals have everything to gain!




Natural dog diet

Health and Wellness Beneifts

  • Sustain a natural pH balance

  • Require Less water due to hydration on a cellular level by consuming alkaline forming foods.

  • Being nourished requires less food than being “ fed”

  • Healthy digestion - stools become bio - degradable and will turn white /powder and blow away

  • Disease preventative including cancer

  • Prevents parasites, fungus, viruses and harmful bacteria

  • Prevents heartworm

  • Anti-Allergy diet for sensitive skin

  • Supports Joint Health

  • Healthy soft shimmery coat

  • Promotes healthy gums and teeth - tarter will natural chip off due to pH Balance in the system.

  • NO MORE “DOG SMELL” or Bad Breath.

  • Temperament - grounded emotional stability.

  • Enhanced brain function and comprehension to detail - easier to train.

  • Focused and controlled energy levels

  • Overall health and wellness on every level - physical, emotional, and mental.

pH Balance and Immune Health

What your dog eats, drinks, breaths, is placed topically on the skin and emotion and mind-set effects your dogs pH.

Acid side of Chemistry

  • Dehydration

  • Mutates and Destroys Tissues and Cells

  • Is the core cause of illness and disease

  • Parasites, Fungus, Viruses, and harmful Bacteria will thrive in an acid medium.

Alkaline side of Chemistry

  • Hydration

  • Repairs tissues while promoting cellular regeneration

  • Prevents disease

  • The elimination of Parasites, Fungus, viruses, harmful bacteria which is unable to thrive in an alkaline medium.

Processed pet food products = Acid

Species friendly whole food nutrition =Alkaline

Chemical based products = Acid

Warm Air =Acidic

Cool Air = Alkaline

Stress = Acid

Detoxification Process

Your dogs may experience mild symptoms of detoxification. Not all dogs experience noticeable detox symptoms. The more toxic your dog the more symptoms of detox they will experience in order to achieve a healthy system. Detoxification is a necessary and natural process when achieving and sustaining health and wellness. the elimination of toxins that harm the tissues will bring about temporary symptoms.

These symptoms are temporary and may include:

  • Flu like symptoms

  • Joint Stiffness

  • Lethargic

  • Headaches

  • Ear irritation

  • itchy skin

  • Mucus

  • Runny nose

To ease symptoms we recommend our Immune Enhancing formula this will support the lymphatic system ( immune system) For special support please contact us and we can help address your dogs specific weaknesses directly during the elimination and cellular regeneration process. Once your dog eliminates the toxins you will see a vibrant healthy fur baby and will never go back to processed foods again.

Natural Diet for your Dogs

Portions will vary, use your best judgement like you would a child. Some days your dogs will be hungrier than other days just like us. Variety and seasonal feeding is important.

Winter fruits and veggies are warming foods which increases blood circulation.

Summer Fruits and veggies are cooling foods which contain more water to hydrate the body.

Being nourished is much different than being fed. Have fun with the diet and enjoy the vitality it brings to your dogs.

  • Raw Meat

    • Chicken

    • Beef

    • Bison

    • Venison

    • Turkey

    • Lamb

    NO PORK - Meat eaters never consume other meat eaters. Pigs are omnivores. You never want to feed the same species to the same species.

  • Fruits and Raw Veggies

    Fruits - Banana, Apple, Pear, Berries ( blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) , Melons, Mango, Papaya

    Veggies- Avocado, Green Beans, Zucchini, Cucumber, Bell Peppers,

  • Nuts and Seeds Dried fruit

    Nuts - Almonds, Pecans, Cashews, Macadamia

    Nut Butter - Almond butter

    Seeds - Sunflower seeds, Ground flax seed, Pumpkin seeds, Hemp Seeds

    Dried Fruit - Dates, Cranberries, Goji Berries

  • Smoothies Nut milk

    Nut Milk - Almond Milk

    Smoothies: Have fun with the smoothies. add all your dogs favorites

    Nutter Pupper - Almond milk, Almond butter, banana, vanilla, dates and honey

    Berry Blast - Coconut water, berries. banana,dates, vanilla and honey -Make as think as you like and add fruit, goji berry, coconut and nuts on top

    Smoothie Bowl - Almond milk, almond butter, dates, vanilla. Make it really thick and place in feed dish. add sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sliced banana, blueberries,and shredded coconut.


Transitioning from kibble to a natural species appropriate raw diet…

Day 1-7

  1. Remove all processed dog food products including treats.

  2. Feed only human grade natural “real” food.

  3. Breakfast and Dinner - Chicken soup ingredients: Chicken Thighs, Carrots and Ginger

  4. Snacks - Fruits,nuts, seeds, veggies,smoothies, nut milk.

Day 7-10

WHOLEify Organic Bio-Aligned formula - 1 scoop 2 times a day


Chicken soup and piece of fruit
1 Scoop WHOLEify Immune Enhancer


Small handful of raw ground meat and a bowl of Chicken soup.

Along with meal in separate dish or for snacks - fruit, nuts, seeds, veggies, Cononut water, smoothies, almond milk


Day 10 - Going forward

WHOLEify Herbal Formula - 1 scoop 2 times a day


  • Raw meat

  • Any of the Following - Raw Veggies, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds,Smoothie/Smoothie Bowl , Nut Milks, Coconut Water


  • Raw meat

  • Any of the Following - Fruits, Raw veggies, Nuts, Seeds, Coconut Water


Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, Dried fruit such as dates, apricots, mango, dates rolled in coconut, Smoothie, Coconut Water, Nut Milks - WHOELify raw treats you can make yourself. recipes found in our “WHOLEify Your Dog” paperback book.

natural cat diet

Being a Carnivore cats survived for thousands of years eating small herbivores: rodents, rabbits, birds, reptiles and insects. In the case of large cats they consumed large herbivores such as deer, buffalo, antelope, zebra to name a few.

As cute and cuddly as our house cats are we must respect their species and by doing so begins with feeding them appropriately. Cats require Taurine. Taurine is a compound found in raw meat.

Keeping your cat healthy and happy

  • Raw Meat

    Many cats take to the raw meat right away other cats can be picky and upset over change. For those cats I recommend starting them off with cooked roasted chicken, sardines and some cooked chicken livers gradually adding raw ground chicken, ground turkey meat to their meal.

    • Raw chicken - Ground chicken, chicken chunks, chicken necks, chicken wings, chicken legs

    • Raw Turkey - Ground turkey , Turkey chunks

    • Raw Lamb

    • Raw buffalo or beef - NOTE: I have found giving raw red meat only 1-2 times a week. I have found lighter meat to be easier on their digestion. However a little variety is healthy.

    • Organ meat - liver, hearts

  • Greens

    About 5% of a cats diet should includes some greens. Since we are providing the meat for our cats we can not feed them the entire herbivore including their intestines which contains greens and foliage. Having a peat pot of wheat grass and or fresh cat nip plant is always a nice way to provide some greens. Some cats love veggies such as carrots. green beans and so on. These foods are fine for them as well.

Natural Horse Diet

Meadow Feeding

Horses are herbivores “ grass eating mammals” Horses are biologically equipped to consume grass, vegetation, herbs and foliage. Feeding them a healthy natural diet prevents colic, chronic and degenerative conditions in the body.

Horses do not require a “ transition” period. You can begin your horse on a natural diet right out of the gate. I highly recommend our Equine Immune Enhancer which supports the immune system. digestive health, endocrine glands, and hoof health while providing a daily de-worming alternative which has proven to be more effective than commercial wormers.

I highly recommend Seasonal Feeding for your horses.

Warming foods and herbs in the winter months increase blood circulation for warmth

Cooling foods and herbs in the Summer months provide hydration

Natural Meadow Feeding provides all the minerals and vitamins your horses need to stay healthy. Natural live food nutrition :

  • Prevents Colic

  • Provides an Alkaline pH which prevents parasites, fungus, and harmful bacteria and viruses.

  • Disease preventative

  • Optimizes performance levels

  • Grass Grazing

    Grazing on a variety of natural grasses and herbs is the healthiest diet for our horses. When grazing is available I highly recommend it. Allowing your horse to be a horse is vital to their health on all levels.

  • Natural feeding bucket

    When grass grazing is not available bring the field to your horse. I recommend seasonal feeding. warming and cooling foods are important for our horses. Please visit our seasonal feeding page.

    Feed bucket once a day

    Our BIO-ALIGNED FORMULA is highly recommended when beginning your horse on a natural feeding program. Our Equine Immune Enhancer provides Digestive health, Endocrine Glandular support, Lymphatic support and is a daily wormer proven to be more effective than any chemical wormer.

    • 2 large handfuls of greens when grazing isn’t available - 1 small handful of Greens such as - Wheat Grass, sprouts, Parsley, Cilantro, Spinach, Arugula, Mint Leaves, Basil, Kale, Swiss Chard.

    • Variety of Seasonal Fruits such as - Apple, Pear, Banana, Avocado, Melons, Berries, Zucchini, Squash, Pumpkin,

    • 1 Cup Trail mix - Almonds, Pecans, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Shredded coconut

    • 1 Scoop WHOLEify Immune Enhancer is a daily wormer while supporting digestive health, endocrine glands, joints, overall immune health and wellness.

  • Alfalfa Hay

    Alfalfa Hay is a legume and the easiest of hay to digest and the most nourishing. When horses colic it is due to a blockage of undigested grass hay. This is due to the long strands of grass found in the hay. Horses have a scissor bite - when grazing they bite off about an inch of grass at a time. Grass hay is impossible to bite off 1 inch sections. Alfalfa hay is mostly leaf and hard stems making it possible to bite into and easily digest.

    Horses are grazing mammals and should always be allowed to free graze on pasture or alfalfa hay.

  • Chaffhaye

    Chaffhaye is an all organic Non - GMO Probiotic Alfalfa hay. I recommend placing 1/6-1/4 of a bag in a large feeding bucket a day depending on the size of your horse. https://chaffhaye.com

  • Seasonal Feeding

    Seasonal feeding is an important consideration when planning your meals for your horses.

    Warming foods in the winter provide increased blood circulation to produce warmth in the body.

    Winter foods include - Dates, Cinnamon, Nut Meg, Butternut squash, acorn squash, Pomegranates, Persimmons, Kale, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Oranges.

    Cooling Foods in the warmer months provide increased hydration and potassium.

    Summer foods include - Coconut water, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Apples, Bananas, Avocado, Grapes, Blueberries, strawberries, Sprouts - Sunflower sprouts, Alfalfa Sprouts, Arugula, Dandelion Greens.

    Free Grass Grazing