By creating a private membership club and providing products available to members only, we are able to speak the truth freely about the reality of health and provide natural solutions that work.

Over the years it has been challenging to speak freely about the reality of health, and provide natural solutions that work, while remaining out of the cross-hairs of those with a vested interest in keeping the public and our animals in a chronic state of disease and suffering.

By creating a private membership. all of our rights and those of our members are protected so we can speak freely and our members can exercise their right to pursuing health and wellness for their beloved dogs and horses.

Protection of the Freedom and Association is guaranteed by the 1st and 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. Activities are restricted to the private domain where the State and Federal Agencies have little or no jurisdiction.

To become a member sign up below.

BEcome a member

Sign in and include “ I am a wholeify member” in the message space.