Animal Wellness

The Shocking Truth

Did you Know -

  • 1 in 1.25 dogs are diagnosed with cancer each year - This Year alone 6 MILLION Dogs will die of cancer.

  • 940,000 Horses a year suffer from colic and 64,000 horses die each year in the United States alone from Colic.

  • The number one cause of death in our cats in FeLV, Feline Leukemia Virus, which is an immune deficiency Disease

5 Simple Steps to Restoring & Maintaining Health and wellness in your Animals

  • Species Friendly Alkaline Based Natural Diet

  • Cellular Regeneration and Detoxification

  • Support Genetic Weaknesses - Custom Tailored Botanical support and species friendly alkaline forming diet

  • Understanding and supporting the Lymphatic System

  • Treat the body not the illness

  • The Preventative Care Plan is a great way to ensure your Dog/Horse maintains health and wellness for years to come. The diet and herbs are designed to strengthen and support your dogs inherent weaknesses to enhance their immune system and prevent disease,illness and chronic conditions.

  • Each animal has his own unique inner terrain that requires individual attention and consideration.

  • Iridology was first popularized in 1881 by Dr. Ignatz Von Peczley.

    Iridology is an alternative technique That recognizes patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the body. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health.

    This technique reveals weaknesses in the body that need to be strengthened this also includes genetic weaknesses.

    There are 4 stages of health





  • All of us are designed biologically to consume specific foods that feed our cells appropriately providing an alkaline medium. By feeding for the species will not only promote wellness on optimum levels but restore youth and vitality.

    Feeding for the species is a vital part of wellness sustainability and restoration

  • Our formulas are made with the highest quality organic human grade herbs and super-foods.

    Our bio-aligned formulas work holistically to treat the body as a whole by helping to create an environment that discourages illness and disease.

    The combination of herbs used in our formulations are designed to maximize your animals overall health and vitality.

    Your geological location, season,environmental conditions are all taken into consideration when formulating the herbal blends for you animal.

    All of our formulas contains powerful anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and anti -viral properties.
    Our Custom formulated herbal Blends support your animals specific weaknesses including strengthening genetic weaknesses

  • There are too many flea and tick medications that have horrific side effects. The harmful chemicals used are neurotoxins which are extremely toxic.

    We offer two chemical free solutions for your dogs.

    1. Amber collars flea and tick collar. This collar is 100% natural and safe without any negative effects to your pets or yourself. This collar has also been proven to be a calming collar for pets who fear thunderstorms and fireworks.

    2. WHOLEify all natural toxic free and chemical free Bugridance made of all natural ingredients.

Tap into the Power of Health!

Preventive Care Plan — $225

Implementation and Seamless Integration of Species Awareness and Preventive Care Plan. This plan is perfect for those who want to ensure the health of your animals. A custom formulated dietary plan is creating for your specific animals needs and requirements.

Comprehensive Patient Assessment includes:

  • Iridololgy Diagnostic

  • Establish a baseline

  • Address underlining genetic weaknesses

  • Strengthen overall system by boosting the immune system while achieving cellular regeneration

  • Custom Nutrition Therapy Dietary Panel

  • First bag of Custom Herbal Formula Tailored to meet your Dogs

    specific needs and requirements.

  • A copy of Lisa St.John's Book " WHOLEify Your Dog"


Our Wellness Plan begins with an initial phone consultation and Iridology Diagnostic. These plans are recommended for animals who are currently suffering from degenerative or chronic conditions.

Comprehensive Patient Assessment includes:

  • Iridololgy Diagnostic

  • Establish cause of current health condition.

  • Address underlining genetic weaknesses as well as current weakness in the body

    This Plan includes

  • 60-90 minute phone consultation with Lisa St. John

  • Iridology Diagnostic and health panel

  • Custom Tailored Wellness Plan to strengthen genetic weaknesses as well as specific conditions your animal is suffering from.

  • First bag of Custom Formulated Herbal Blend specifically created to support your animals specific needs and requirements.

  • A copy of Lisa St.John’s Book “ WHOLEify Your Dog”

Getting started

STEP 1 - Take a picture of your horse/dog iris. See instructions below.

STEP 2 - fill out information form about your animal at check out

HOW TO TAKE  AN IRIDOLOGY PICTURE:Using your smart phone - Take a picture of the right and left eye.  Make sure you let us know which eye is which when you email them to us at hello@WHOLEify.comFind a dark room or barn where light is coming from ove…


Using your smart phone - Take a picture of the right and left eye. Make sure you let us know which eye is which when you email them to us at

Using a smart phone find a place in your home where the is shining indirectly on the eye either from a window or a lamp to highlight as much detail in the eye as possible.  

1. Holding the smart phone about 12-18 inches from your dogs eye try to take a clear picture. A clear picture will allow Lisa to blow up the picture on the computer to view details in the eyes including texture and specific colorations. 

2. Once you’ve taken the photo, zoom in to check that the you have good definition on the iris. It should look almost 3D.

3. Include a picture of your dog so we can put a face to the eyes.  

4. email the pictures to - label left eye and right eye along with animals name. 

It’s important that you avoid any blur or glare in the photos as this will make the photos much harder to read.It’s important that you avoid any blur or glare in the photos as this will make the photos much harder to read.

Recovery Assistance pROGRAms

Our Recovery Programs provide a comprehensive patient assessment to implement a seamless integration of species awareness while supporting weaknesses found in the system. Strengthening the weaknesses through cellular regeneration and detoxification by alkalizing the system will allow the body to heal and achieve health and wellness. The body itself is the only one capable of healing and in turn holds the key to its own recovery. A tailored diet and a bio-aligned herbal formula will target the specific requirements needed to support your animal during healing journey.

Step 1: Initial Iridology Diagnostic and Consultation

All of our new client relationships begin with an Iridology Diagnostic and prescriptive Consult. All consults are currently scheduled with Lisa St. John personally. During the consult Lisa will take you through the Iridology diagnostic and provide you with a complete understanding of how to treat the body not the illness through the science and art of cellular regeneration and detoxification.

At the end of the consult you will be provided with a complete dietary wellness program including an herbal protocol and an

Iridology diagnostic report which will provide information regarding genetic and other weaknesses found in the body. Note: These weaknesses can be strengthened and restored to a healthier state.

Step 2. - ·    Choose Which Option Best Suits Your Animal Family Member.

  1. You can proceed with the suggested Regeneration Care Plan as a DIY

  2. Sign up for a Recovery Assistance Package

DIY Plan is recommended for those who have an animal with allergies, digestive issues, stiff joints, chronic ear infections, flu and other acute/sub-acute issues.

  • Check in update when you feel it is needed $175- we recommend an update every spring and fall if your animal is on a custom wellness plan

    1. 20 Minute Phone Consultation with Lisa

    2. Iridology Diagnostic

    3. Bio-Aligned Wellness Plan Update

WHOLEify Recovery Assistance Package - Highly Recommended for animals with degenerative conditions such as - Cancer, Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Tumors, Arthritis, Auto-Immune, Laminitis, Cushings, IR, Neurological Issues, Chronic Colic and Gastrointestinal Weakness, Gum Disease.

Our Recovery Assistance Packages Include:

  • Custom organic herbal formulas which are tailored to meet the ever- changing needs of your horse or dog as they go through their healing journey. The herbal formulas are automatically shipped each month.

  • Unlimited Iridology Diagnostic update

  • Unlimited Wellness Plan update when needed

  • Regularly Scheduled weekly phone consult with Lisa St. John ND.

  • 24/7 email and text support

  • Add up to 3 animals who are part of the same household to the Wellness Package for a $100 each and the cost of their herbs.

    NOTE: Investing in a WHOLEify Recovery Assistance Package is essential for dogs and horses with chronic/degenerative health conditions such as: Cancer, Tumors, Gum Disease, Neurological issues, Kidney Failure, Laminitis, Founder, Cushings, IR, EPM, Chronic colic/ gastrointestinal weakness, Joint weakness ect..…

  • You will notice visible results within 14 days.

Recovery Assistance Packages

  • 6 Week Wellness Package - $1964.00

  • 3 Month Package $2,692