Salan’ ocd and laminitis

It’s brilliant to have you guys spreading the word. If someone told me, before you shared your knowledge with me, that fruit, grass grazing, alfalfa, nuts and seeds and your special herbal mix would fix laminitis and cure an incurable disease like OCD I would think you’re nuts. From what the vet’s teach us,they would say it would finish the horse off. They are so very WRONG! What is so ironic is by treating the illness the vet’s are finsihing them off. So sad. It’s common sense once it’s been pointed out.

When I see a Laminitic horse, my instant thoughts would be, no grass, bucket of chopped straw, low grade soaked hay and nothing more. So hard to get the “main stream “ methods out of your head when that is what you’ve been told your whole life! Thank God you are here to educate us Dummies.. LOL!

The vet’s told me I would never be able to ride Salan’ much less have him jumping. Look at him now!

Thank you for getting out there and setting us all straight.

Fiona Casswell, UK.

Salan’ and Fiona

Salan’ and Fiona

Salan’ and Fiona




Stella - lymphoma cancer


Cori- Shoulder strain and Thrush