Opie - 0 parasite count on wholeify wellness plan

Dear Lisa,

Things are going great with Opie and today we had another BIG WIN!

Opies pasture mate apparently has a terrible case of worms.  He is needing to be treated with a "power pack" so I guess it is really bad.  The gal offered to treat Opie for me because she had some extra medicine, but I told her that I'd like to get a fecal done on Opie before I treat him for anything.  I don't believe in giving meds without the need for them. 

So I dropped off Opies manure sample, along with manure from another horse at the barn.  The tests came back today.  They other horse had " STRONGYLE ova: 890 per 1 gran and Anoplocephala ova (Tapeworm) 3 per 1 gram.  Opie has "NO PARASITES SEEN"!!!!!!

Janine Oates. MN.




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