Bella - Diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer

I don’t know what I would have done if I had not heard of Lisa St.John. My beautiful Bella was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer in June of 2019. I was beside myself. They wanted to begin chemo treatments immediately but I did not feel comfortable with that. I lost my last Dobe to Cancer and I saw what Chemo did to her and could not and would not put Bella through the same painful experience.

A friend of mine heard of Lisa St.John who has earned an exceptional reputation in helping dogs with cancer using natural alternative methods, so I contacted Lisa that day. Our initial consultation was incredibly informative. She spent over an hour explaining in detail what causes cancer and how to reverse it. Her logical approach was so simplistic and made so much sense I could not wait to get started. I started Bella that day. Lisa created a custom herbal granola blend along with herbal tonics and a special diet of fresh beautiful food. I saw results in Bella within a weeks time. I enrolled in the 6 month wellness program to make sure Bella made a full recovery. To my surprise Bella was cancer free in 4 months. I happily continued 2 extra months on the program to strengthen her system. When i took Bella back to the veterinarian who recommended Chemo Therapy 4 months later, he wanted to know everything I was doing. He has never seen a dog recover from cancer with diet and herbs and told me to keep doing what i was doing. Today Bella has exceeded my expectation of health. Preparing her natural meals of fresh raw meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs , smoothies, almond milk and the delicious herbal blends that Lisa provides is what should be fed to our beloved dogs. I can not believe I used to feed dog food products - which is “NOT real food” to quote Lisa. I have learned so much from this incredibly brilliant lady. I will be forever grateful to Lisa who has not only saved my dogs life but has provided me with the knowledge to ensure her health for years to come. I highly recommend the complete WHOELify experience to EVERYONE !!!

With Love and appreciation to you Lisa for all you do!

Janice Kimbal, WA.


Opie - 0 parasite count on wholeify wellness plan


Nitro - Diagnosed with Cancer