My story began when my 6 yr old. Golden retriever, Chandler, began having seizures in July of 2019. The medications were not helping and I was tired of seeing him suffer. I was a few days away from putting him down when I heard of Lisa St.John from WHOLEify. I was at my ropes end and he deserved every possible chance. Speaking with Lisa gave me the confidence that this may be the answer we were looking for and by the grace of God it was! The first step was removing all processed pet foods and slowly taking him off all medications.

We began an entirely new journey of natural feeding and herbal remedies. His diet was an inspiration to me to begin eating better myself and together we both became healthier.

Chandler has not had a seizure since August of 2019. He has renewed energy, coat and teeth are healthy, and he is back to his old self. He is not on any medications. I will continue to feed him a natural diet and support his genetic weaknesses with the wholeify custom herbs.

I am forever grateful to Miss Lisa for all she has done to save his life. She spent countless hours with me and was very supportive in his healing journey. I will never go back to feeding processed dog food again and will always use the WHOELify feeding methodology with all of my dogs in the future.

I can not say enough for Lisa and her Animal Wellness Centre. She is beyond incredible and worth every penny and more.

Thank you for saving Chandlers life.

Natalie Bellinger, CT.


Chinook- Abscesses, Anaplasmosis


Opie - 0 parasite count on wholeify wellness plan