Lightening - Laminitis

"My horse Lightening could barely walk for the past 2-3 years because he was suffering from severe Laminitis.  We did all the normal vet treatments but nothing worked, he kept foundering and his Laminitis became increasingly worse. He had constant inflammation and all his hooves were disfigured. He could not walk. He would stand in one spot in the barn while he could stand bnut most of the time I would fgind him laying down. The vet told me there was nothing more they could do and I should consider putting him down.

I found Lisa St. John and WHOLEify through a referral from a farrier who had worked on the hooves of horses that had been on her Custom Wellness program. He told me that the results this lady was able to achieve for horses with Laminitis was astounding.

I started Lightning on a WHOLEify Custom Wellness program in January 2020 – and now 6 months later he is trotting and galloping all over his pasture, he’s back to his happy normal self. He’s been able to grow brand new hooves which have grown in healthy and strong.  I was able to take him for a ride for the first time in 2.5 years. I am so excited that I have my horse back.  He’s grazing on pasture 24/7, no muzzle and no Laminitis.  He looks the best he has ever looked.  Thank you Lisa, I am forever grateful.

Stephanie Griffon, North Carolina


AFTER  - Lignenings Hooves - 8 Months on the Wholeify Wellness Program -

AFTER - Lignenings Hooves - 8 Months on the Wholeify Wellness Program -


LADY Degenerative Arthritis, Laminitis, IR, and Auto-Immune


Classy - Cushings