Classy - Cushings

My 29 Year old mare was showing signs of Cushings and a Metabolic Disorder last year. She wasn't shedding her winter coat and remained shaggy and dull into the summer. Additionally, she was suffering from a painful eye condition that would not heal.

I started her on the WHOELify Wellness diet regime as Lisa Provided for her and she soon regained her healthy glow. This Spring her coat shed out to a beautiful gloss and her eyes aren't watering at all.  

What really made all the difference was the natural prescribed diet and the WHOLEify Organic herbal formulas. Lisa now has Classy on a Maintenance Program including the WHOLEify “Immune Enhancer” and she is doing great.

Thank you Lisa and WHOLEify!

Sandi E. , Oregon




Lightening - Laminitis