LADY Degenerative Arthritis, Laminitis, IR, and Auto-Immune

LADY: The Mare With “Everything Wrong” - Laminitis, Arthritis, Insulin Resistance, Malabsorption, Muscle Atrophy & Vaccine Toxicity (Minnesota)

“Lady will be 21 years old soon and I’m still so amazed by her evolution. It’s hard to imagine she ever had joint or mobility issues and she’s often mistaken for a much younger horse!”



Lisa is such a blessing — she was truly the answer to my prayers. My mare, Lady (who was 18 years at the time), was suffering with severe arthritis, insulin resistance, laminitis, malabsorption, muscle atrophy and vaccine toxicity.

Lisa’s diet and herbal program transformed Lady. She went from limping on stall rest to galloping and free-jumping logs in the pasture (no more dry lots!). Lady will be 21 years old soon and I’m still so amazed by her evolution. It's hard to imagine she ever had joint or mobility issues and she’s often mistaken for a much younger horse! Her personality really shines now and I never knew that such a happy, playful, adventurous and goofy girl was hiding behind all that pain.

The gift of witnessing an animal you love blossom into health is priceless. I cannot express enough how truly grateful I am for Lisa. She opened a door for Lady and I and we will never be the same. The wisdom I gained from working with Lisa empowered me so I can confidently keep Lady healthy for the rest of her life. Furthermore, I feel SO blessed to finally meet my horse — the real Lady — the horse who is no longer shackled by pain. It means the world to me that I'll get to have more time with Lady and we can explore all sorts of new activities together, things she was unable to comfortably enjoy before! I will be keeping Lady on Lisa’s program forever. It's that important me.

Thank you again, Lisa — for everything! You’re an angel and I’m reminded of that every time I see sweet Lady loving life and moving effortlessly.




AFTER - Lady - May 2017

AFTER - Lady - May 2017

BEFORE - Lady’s Weak unhealthy Hoof - 2017

BEFORE - Lady’s Weak unhealthy Hoof - 2017

AFTER - Lady’s Healthy Hoof - 2018

AFTER - Lady’s Healthy Hoof - 2018


SIMON - Diagnosed with laminitis


Lightening - Laminitis