truth about wormers

Today's horses are experiencing extremely adverse side effects to chemical dewormers at an alarming rate! 

Ranging from mild to severe, stress reactions within one hour of chemical worming may include:

1.     Loss of control resulting in the horse dropping to the ground

2.     Tongue hanging from mouth accompanied by drooling

3.     Swollen neck

4.     Puffy lips and tongue

5.     Noticeably chemical burn on gums

6.     Colic

7.     Allergic reactions

8.     Laminitis

9.     Various digestive disturbances

10.  Skin reactions including hives followed by bald patches.

Chemical de-worming, especially over-worming, can damage the immune system of your horse. 

Life threatening internal damage can result from worm infestation, regularly compromising your horse's immune system can be more harmful than the worms themselves. Parasite-infested horses are the ones who are dewormed most frequently.

Chemical based dewormers kill parasites but at the same time they are creating an acidic pH for which parasites can thrive. Eggs and larvae from adult parasites thrive at an alarming rate provide by creating a perfect acidic terrain. Introducing a toxic chemical into the body not only weakens the immune system, but causes degeneration of cells and tissues. Remember acids corrode. Interestingly, the practice of regular worming didn't begin until the 1960s. In the 1980s worming was only an occasional support.

Let’s look at an effective worming system.

Fact: Harmful parasites, fungus, bacteria and viruses can not thrive in an alkaline terrain. Diet plays a very important roll in worming your horses! If your horse is eaten an alkaline forming diet parasites can not thrive period!

Fact: Herbs are more effective as a dewormer because they also alike the system, regenerate tissues (heal the body) While killing off harmful invaders.

A perfect example is Opie who has been on the WHOLEify wellness program for about 7 months.

Janine in her own words in an email to Lisa at WHOELify.

Hi Lisa, Things are going great with Opie, and today I had another BIG WIN with him! Opies pasture mate apparently has a terrible case of worms. He is needing to be treated with something called a “power pack” so I guess it is really bad. The gal offered to treat Opie for me because she had some extra medicine, but I told her that I’d like to get a fecal done on Opie before I treat anything. So I dropped off Opies Manure along with a manure from another horse at the barn. The tests came back today. the other horse had “ Strongyle ova: 890 per 1 gram & Anoplocephala ova ( tapeworm) 3 per gram. Opie had NO PARASITES seen!!!

Every horse on the WHOLEify natural wellness plan have very low to 0 parasite count. This is because we treat the body and provide a healthy terrain for which toxic invaders can not thrive. The most effective wormer begins by feeding a natural alkaline forming diet!




Janine and Opie

Janine and Opie


canine cancer
