canine cancer

Dogs have the highest rate of cancer any mammal on the planet! Fifty years ago 1 in every 100 dogs got cancer. Today the Animal Cancer Society reports o er 6 million dogs are diagnosed with cancer every year. In one year the cancer rate in dogs jumped from 1 in 2 dogs to 1 in every 1.65 dogs. These statics are a horrifying reality check!

It’s time we all take a step back and begin making some major changes to improve the health of our dogs.

So what causes cancer? The body is nothing more than chemistry and physics - so let's begin there. There are only two sides to chemistry - acid and alkaline. The acid side of chemistry is corrosive and the alkaline side of chemistry is the healing side of chemistry. This duality makes it very easy to create a balance which is needed to create a harmonious environment - the perfect pH balance.

The pH within the body is greatly effected by what one eats, drinks, breaths, what is placed on the skin and lifestyle ( stress) If the pH balance is acidic that acid waste will corrode cells which make up everything within the body from hair, bone, organs, glands, vessels - all just a bunch of cells. You bathe those cells in acids - they will be destroyed on every level. 

hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent researching the cancer and its causes. The American Institute for Cancer Research concluded that acid forming foods alter the body’s pH balance and “promotes cancer” This is base on lab studies that show cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment and cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

Studies have suggested that acidic pH increases the ability for cancer to spread. A team of Swedish scientists developed a new cancer cell line that grew under acidic conditions. They developed this cell line by continuously growing this cancer strand by placing a batch of healthy colon cells in a specialized broth contains an acidic pH for three months.

It is no secret that cancer thrives in an acidic terrain. Yet still, with he understanding that cancer is caused by an acids, the allopathic professionals choose to use an acid based chemical treatment ( chemotherapy) to treat cancer. Which is why the medical community has yet to find a cure for cancer.

The cure for cancer lies within your dog. By feeding your dog alkaline forming foods based on a species compatible evolutionary diet is not only cancer preventative but plays a vital role in helping your dog recover from cancer.

I encourage all of you to try our natural diet for 30 days and see the results for yourself. You will see a difference in your dogs in just 2 short weeks.

Just click on our 30 day challenge tab at the top of the page.

Your dog will be so happy you did!

If you have a dog with cancer and need help please schedule a consultation so we can get your dog started on the path to wellness.






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