
Bringing home my new puppy , Leo , has reminded me of all the little things that make such a huge difference in a dogs life. Nutrition always plays an important role in achieving health and wellness on a physical level but it also provides emotional and mental wellness as well.

Last week while on a call with one of my clients regarding her little cutie, she mentioned a friend of hers who purchased my book and placed her rescue dog, a Pit Bull, on the 30 day challenge. Her Pit Bull was slightly aggressive at times but overall a very good girl who also had hip issues which the vet recommended surgery for. After just a few short weeks of being on the WHOELify program her hips are perfectly normal , no need for surgery, and she no longer shows any aggression. She is a happy Pitty!

Feeding foods that are compatible to the species is so important in achieving health and wellness on all levels and our Happy Pit Bull friend is a perfect example.

It is important to allow your puppies to find themselves, even if it is inconvenient at times.  Find the time to spend with your puppy - they will not be little for long. Enjoy every moment as crazy as it can be. If they are like Leo, pick them up as much as possible because it won’t be long before those days are over.

Everyday, just as I am engaged heavily in work , Leo places his little face in my lap wanting a few minutes of attention. Once i look at that face I cant help but stop what I’m doing and step outside only to watch him dig holes, play in the mud and run around with his sister Athena. It doesn’t take long and I find myself participating by throwing a ball or praising them at how fast they can run or how excited I am when they place that muddy, stinky bone they buried just a week before at my feet. They are so proud to show me everything and involve me in “their world”.

This may seem little and insignificant to us, but to our puppies as well as our adult dogs, it means the world. I have found it actually helps me as well to step away and just be me with my dogs for those few precious moments. When I do return to work, I am more productive having taken time out for a break to clear my head, something I would never do if I didn’t have dogs to remind me to live a little.

Puppies need balance as well. Allowing them to find themselves while providing structure and boundaries is a balancing act. I have found it helps to first evaluate your puppies personality and act accordingly. Leo happens to have a strong personality, so for the first 2 weeks I did not give him an inch! I had to teach him what was acceptable behavior and what wasn’t. I am fortunate he can be in the office with me , so I worked with him every day, and it paid off! He is a good boy and I don’t need to be as firm anymore. Those days are over.

Being firm is temporary. You earn their respect while setting boundaries that they will implement going forward. Pretty soon all it takes is a soft “no” allowing you to enjoy your puppy and watch him/her grow into a beautiful well behaved, well rounded dog without interfering with their inherent personality.

Teach by being consistent.

One of the most important things to teach your puppy is stay and come, it may one day save their life. Sit helps with the “stay” command. A sit position is stationary in itself. Sit and stay go hand in hand. When teaching a puppy to sit you will want to say sit with a hand gesture that is natural to you. Then gently guide them into a sit position by placing your hand behind their rear knee so their back leg bends in gently and places them in a sitting position. Pressing down on their back end can easily weaken or harm their hips at such at a young age.

Remember your puppy is never too young to learn. If they can think - they can learn.

Socializing your puppy is fun! Take them for car rides and bring them to stores that allow dogs. You can even take them to get your oil changed. Let them explore the world and allow them the time and space to take everything in. Allow them to stop and observe their surroundings, even if you need to stand there for a few minutes. Let them become comfortable before moving on. Encourage them but allow them to want to take the next step forward. Smile and be friendly to strangers you may come across on your adventures. You want people to stop and talk while petting your puppy. Everyone loves a puppy, but most importantly you are helping your dog find his confidence while raising a good citizen in the process.

Have fun with your puppies! Make life happy and as carefree as possible for them. I know life is stressful, but when we look at those happy doggie faces, it brings us down earth to what is truly important.

We very seldom remember the everyday stress we deal with day in and day out no matter how much it effected us that day, but the time spent with our fur babies are never forgotten.

Keep em’ wagging by loving them unconditionally and spending every bit of quality time with them. We are their world. Let’s give them the best of ourselves.

Lisa and Leo

Lisa and Leo



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