Boots - Digestive issues

My name is Roberto Venegas

I want to share with you my testimony switching my dogs prescribed food royal canine to Wholeify natural food as directed in your direction book.

My dog boots is a 14 year old dog that for the last year had a severe diarrhea for which was taking royal canine prescribed food. During this year I had to take him three times to a veterinary emergency because concern of dehydration.

A family friend recommended to try Wholeify diet and products. The diet requires switching his royal canine processed food to raw meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dried fruit alone with Wholeify K9 senior formula – dogs 7 years and up.

This switching was a life saving for my dog boots. After a few days with new diet the diarrhea stopped completely. No mere cleaning diarrhea excrement all over our house every day.  He moves better and can jump up on the bed now so arthritis is improving. 


I would highly recommend this Wholeify natural feeding.

Thank you!



BLUE - Chronic Ear infections, Digestive issues and Allergies


Officer CAPO - Cancer Tumor