BLUE - Chronic Ear infections, Digestive issues and Allergies

My name is Lesley Greene and I am here today to sing the praise of Lisa’s Incredible diet plan. We rescued Blue at a local shelter 3 years ago. Blue suffered from the typical health issues you see in so many dogs today. He had ear infection after ear infection that never seemed to go away no matter how many antibiotics and medications he was given, he was on prescribed pet food for his digestion along with prednisone for his allergies which continued to get worse.

We learned of Lisa St. St. John through a neighbor friend and although I was skeptical at first I must say after speaking with her it made so much sense. My husband and I decided to give the 30 day challenge a chance and purchase Lisa’s book as a guideline and if we began to see any results we would be open to having Lisa provide us with a complete wellness panel for Blue.

I started the WHOLEify diet a couple days after receiving her book. When I say we noticed a difference almost immediately I am not exaggerating. His stomach issues improved overnight. In one week we noticed he smelled better, he no longer had a weird funky smell and his fur is so soft now. The redness on his belly and toes were going away and he was less itchy. That was all we needed to see for us to move forward. We had Lisa do his eye chart and a wellness panel. She created a beautiful diet plan with his own specially made herbal formula which he LOVES.

Blue has been under Lisa’s care for about 3 months now and I can not believe the difference in this dog. He no longer has ear infections, allergies, stomach issues and he is off all medications, which I now know were doing more harm than good, and he is healthier and happier than I had ever thought possible. All over a diet change and Lisa’s herbs.

I am proud to say all of our animals are WHOLEified and will continue to be for years to come.

Thank you for what you do to keep our animals healthy and pain free.


Molly - Thyroid Weakness and Arthritis


Boots - Digestive issues