Welcome to WHOLEify

Enrich the life of your animal by Preventing Disease, Illness and Chronic Conditions. Tapping into the power of health and wellness can help your animals recover from chronic and degenerative conditions. We offer natural chemical free solutions to support the health and wellness of your animals while introducing the power of natural whole food nutrition.


take our 30 DAy Challenge

Feeding natural whole food nutrition is what every mammal was intended to eat. Nourishing the body is much healthier than feeding it. Providing an alkaline forming diet prevents cancer, allergies, arthritis as well as other diseases and chronic conditions. Let us show you what the reality of health really looks like.

You will notice positive changes within 2 week


30 day Challenge

Our new Keepin’ It Real starter kit for the dog in your life, makes it easier than ever to get your dog started on a vitamin and mineral rich diet to prevent disease. The best gift of all is the gift of health and vitality providing a quality of life for years to come.

Try our natural diet and herbs for 30 days and see for yourself why dog lovers from every arena are swithcing their dogs off commercial food.

You will notice a difference in your dog within the first week.

Our starter kit includes:

1.Organic Bio-Aligned Herbal Formula

2. WHOELify Your Dog Handbook written by: Lisa St. John ND.

3. A step by step guideline on how to get your dogs started

4. Organic Botanical Soup Starter - Roses, Lavender, Yarrow for a soothing healthy transition.

just got easier

Henry 60 days on the WHOLEify Natural Diet

Before ( left) and After ( right)

Custom Tailored Program available

Implementation and Seamless Integration of Species Awareness and Preventive Wellness Care. This plan is perfect for those who want to ensure the health of your animals. A custom formulated dietary plan is creating for your specific animals needs and requirements.

Comprehensive Patient Assessment includes:

  • Iridololgy Diagnostic

  • Establish a baseline

  • Address underlining genetic weaknesses

  • Strengthen overall system by boosting the immune system while achieving cellular regeneration

  • Custom Nutrition Therapy Dietary Plan

  • First bag of Custom Herbal Formula Tailored to meet your Dogs

    specific needs and requirements.

  • A copy of Lisa St.John's Book " WHOLEify Your Dog"

Preventative Wellness Program

Health Restoration Program

Our Recovery Wellness Panel begins with an initial phone consultation and Iridology Diagnostic. This Panel is recommended for animals who are currently suffering from degenerative or chronic conditions.

Comprehensive Patient Assessment includes:

  • Iridololgy Diagnostic

  • Establish cause of current health condition.

  • Address underlining genetic weaknesses as well as current weakness in the body

  • 60-90 minute phone consultation with Lisa St. John

  • Iridology Diagnostic including a full Panel

  • Custom Wellness Plan

  • Nutrition Therapy dietary Panel

  • First bag of Custom Formulated Herbal Blend specifically created to support your animals specific needs and requirements.

  • A copy of Lisa St.John’s Book “ WHOLEify Your Dog”