Rosie - Chronic Ear infection


I started working with Lisa St John in 2009. Lisa was formulating herbs and diet for my riding lesson horses.

At this time my dog, Rosie, had a terrible ear infection or something. The smell from the ear was horrendous. I went to the vet and he prescribed medication ( a steroid I believe). The smell and pain would disappear for a week but would reappear once the medication ran out. So I went back to the vet and he prescribed the same medication and protocol. Yet after two weeks of medication, the smell and pain reappeared. The vet was a very caring person and truly wanted to help Rosie and to mitigate her pain. He knew the medication was not working so he recommended a canine ear specialist. I contacted this specialist and she told me she would do surgery where she would invert the ear and clean it out and the approximate cost was astronomical.

I was sticker shocked and spoke with Lisa. She told me get my dog off all dog food products and feed raw human food and make green juice for Rosie. I was like....WHAT? She said Rosie's body needed to be alkalized she also said to make an ear tonic using green tea and oregano oil. I was like... WHAT? Lisa said, well you can spend a lot of money or juice your dog. It is up to you.

Well, I got her off dog food and I created some green juices, used a turkey baster and juiced Ms. Roise along with the green tea tonic for her ears. Her ear infection/ smell was gone in 5 days and NEVER returned. I was convinced. It was amazing!!!

My beautiful Rosie was never sick again. As Rosie began to transition, Lisa said it was Rosie's time and the body was shutting down.There were no heroics or large vet bills trying to deny the inevitable. Rosie took two weeks to transition and it was beautiful . There was no pain, no medical intervention. On her last day, I came home from work, she was waiting for me, looked up and breathed her last breath.

Since working with Lisa St.John and Wholeify, I have NEVER lost an animal, including cats, dogs and horses, to disease or medical intervention better known as putting them down. The diet and the herbs work.

It is amazing and I can tell more success stories. Here is a photo of Rosie and the diet I currently feed my three dogs, Sage, Chibi and Cedric


Cori- Shoulder strain and Thrush
