In the nick of time

Diagnosed with Ligament injuries, Wobblers and Laminitis

Nick’s story began a little over 2 years ago that began with a small leg injury and turned into a multiple of treatments for which he continued to worsen. By the end of the 2 years he was being treated for suspensory ligament desmitis and Cervical Verebrae Stenotic Myelopathy. On top of all of this he was also now suffering from laminitis. We were beside ourselves. All of our hopes for our beautiful boy was going down the drain along with thousands of dollars in treatments that seem to be making him worse not better.

It was then that we heard of Lisa St. John who is a Animal Naturopathic Doctor. I was very reluctant to contact her but was at the end of my rope with our top veterinarians who were looking at euthanizing Nick due to lack of improvement despite all their treatments.

After speaking with Lisa I decided to do whatever she recommended. We had nothing to loose, we were already loosing Nick. Lisa’s methods were non invasive with a very logical format, so logical and simple I had my doubts it would work.

However nonetheless, I decided to put Nick on Lisa’s recommended Recovery program for 5 months. This video was taken of Nick 5 months after being on the Recovery Program. He is perfectly sound and happy. Nick has recovered from all of the ailments he was diagnosed with including laminitis which is completely gone to shock of our trimmer who was convinced the natural diet will cause Laminitis.

I cannot express how shocked I am that a wellness plan using nothing more than a natural diet which goes against any conventional minded horse person and herbs would result in a complete recovery from conditions no medication or medical treatments could help and at the same time it seems so logical that I can not believe how far removed we have come from what a natural way of feeding looks like and the impact it makes on the health of our horses.

I look at things so differently now and I have learned so much from this Naturopathic way that I now have all my horses and dogs on her diet protocol. I can not believe the health in all my animals since I started. Will be sending along a testimony soon of my 10 year old dog who is already recovering from arthritis after removing all kibble and feeding human food with Lisa’s herbs after just 3 weeks.

This women is worth talking to. Value her words and do everything to the letter you wont be sorry.

My deepest appreciation and gratitude.

Marybeth Thorndale , Colorado


Molly - Thyroid Weakness and Arthritis